29 Aug 2020 
Support Center » Knowledgebase » Every email address works with webmail (IMAP) but fails with Outlook (POP3)
 Every email address works with webmail (IMAP) but fails with Outlook (POP3)
Solution This could be that the wrong POP3 server is running.

Log into your VPS and edit the file /etc/xinetd.d/popa3d

Locate the line:

disable = no

Change it to read:

disable = yes

Save and close the file.

Now restart xinetd with the following command

service xinetd restart

Now log into WHM:

1. Locate the section "Restart Services" (in the left menu) and click the link "POP3 Server (cppop)

2. When prompted with "Are you sure you wish to restart this service?" click "YES"

You should now be able to use POP3 with cPanel and your prefered POP3 client (like Outlook).


UK VPS Team.

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Article ID: 1
Created On: 15 Oct 2020 12:05 PM

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